Our administrators

  • Mark Roberts, interim chief executive officer
  • Lee Lopez, chief financial officer
  • Dean H. Hommer, MD, chief medical officer
  • Kathleen Rubano, chief nursing officer
  • Stacey De Hoyos, assistant chief nursing officer
  • Jason Sewell, assistant chief nursing officer
  • Samuel Pena, vice president of operations

Board of trustees

  • Romulo Corrada, MD
  • Timothy Ehrman
  • Jegan Gopal, MD
  • Mary Jane Hamilton, PhD
  • Gloria Hicks
  • Tammy Frank McDonald
  • Gloria Perez
  • Bert Quintanilla
  • Delia Quisenberry, MD
  • Kathleen Rubano, MSN, RN
  • Michael Swantner
  • Ken Trevino
  • Sylvester Wilson, Ed.D
  • Troy Villarreal, general partner